Lama Lungrik
Photo courtesy of Lawrence Causey

Lunchtime Mindfulness Meditation
Mon-Wed-Fri, 12:15 to 12:50 pm

Bob Harris and Kim Abbey share leadership of these brief, non-sectarian midday sessions at the Dharma Center, 1620 Fourth Avenue.   Currently, sessions will be M-W-F from 12:15 - 12:50 PM.   Later they may return to 5 days per week.

Contact Bob Harris for more info: 360-352-2819

First Thursdays 7 - 8:45 PM

On the first Thursday of the month a Dharma teaching is offered by Geshe Jamyang with a discussion period following.    See First Thursday for information about monthly teachings by GESHE JAMYANG TSULTRIM.  Location

Thursday Evenings Other than First Thursday, 7 - 8:30 PM

Chanting, Meditation, and Discussion

Except of the first Thursday of the month when a teaching is offered, Nalanda meets the rest of the month on Thursday evenings for meditation practice with discussion following.  For the most current description of practice and discussion go to Thursday Medtion and Discussion

Every Saturday - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Most Saturdays - Chenrezig Meditation:
Developing the Mind of Compassion.

Chenrezi, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, is also called Avalokiteshvara and Kuan Yin. Chenrezi responds to the agonies of the world , manifesting 1000 bodies at a time.  We practice a four armed form that contains an unusual “Mahamudra” meditation.  Through this ritual, we expand our own Compassion minds.  Cherezi practice is on Saturdays at 10 am, except on Full Moon Saturdays when we do the Green Tara instead.

Lama Lungrik leads this ceremony.

Saturday closest to full moon - Green Tara Meditation:
Compassion in Action.

Tara symbolizes the Action of Compassion.  She is thought to be especially close to ordinary people, and acts to relieve their suffering.The Green Tara practice is done often, especially at the time of the Full Moon.  We chant the complete text of a four mandala offering to Tara.  Our Tara practice is on the Saturday nearest the Full Moon, and is open to the public.

Lama Lungrik, our resident monk, leads this ritual, assisted by Zach Zinn for the English portion.  Location